
la california number 1: happy cows

mom this one is for you, consider it my California offering. we were headed back to our room and as we were passing this picturesque field i saw the cows and slammed on the brakes "sorry guys, i have to get this one for my mom, she loves the happy cows!"


Melody said...

And look at that one in the foreground, looking at me, saying, "You know you wish you were in California, Melody. You know you would be happier - like us - if you were here."

Melody said...

And thank you, Luke. You were right. This makes me happy.

Mary said...

Those look delectable! I can't decide if I want some steak, milk, or bread. So many food choices with such warm vibrant colors . . .

rosemary said...

Those are indeed happy cows grazing in fields of gold. Golden cows. Harvest. Hmmm.....

Ok, I'm done.